Happy 1st Birthday!!! This Blog is One Year Old!!!

Today, the 25th of January 2008, is Urikalization’s first birthday!!!

The past year has been a great experience for me. After a few years of ignoring the phenomena, I finally joined the Blogosphere. It was a great fun, even when it kept me up till 3:30AM when I need to wake up at 7:30AM.

During this year, I created 40 posts, that’s an average of about 1 new post every 9 days. I admit this rate of publishing is quite low relative to other blogs out there, but the truth is that many of my posts require me to do some research before I write them. Sometimes, while researching, I’m getting tossed to another subject, and completely forget about the original subject I was going to post about; sometimes, I simply don’t have the time or mood, and sometimes I’m just being lazy.

A few thousand visitors from all over the globe dropped by this blog, resulting in a total of 14,000 visits. Some of them even stayed for a while, read the posts, and left some very interesting comments. Got myself some great reviews, some surprising awards, and best of all - some new cool friends.

It’s hard for me to define Urikalization, but I think I like what it turned out to be.

p.s. Why build a space shuttle when we can simply fold paper 42 times?


helensotiriadis said...

happy birthday... and many more!

Jenn Thorson said...

"Happy bloggiversary to you... Happy bloggiversary to you..."

Okay, enough singing-- have some cake! :)

Anonymous said...

Happy first from all at GO! Smell the flowers...

Group hugs all round!

Anonymous said...

congratullation, continue you effort

Tami Daun said...

Happy Birthday. Love the elegance of your layout.

crpitt said...

Happy Blog Birthday :)

You definitely gave birth to blog genius, where as I got a blog starved of oxygen :)

MS said...

Happy anniversary! I do see a resemblance between the blogger and the guy blowing out the candles. :p

Kaye Waller said...

I only just found you, but I'm already hooked.

Happy Blog-Birthday!

Anonymous said...

Dear Uri,

We are great fans of your blog. keep up the good work!

Mauro C. said...

Congrats my friend.
Happy birthday... any many more to come :)

Anonymous said...

Congrats buddy! Keep going!
And all the best!

- Wakish -

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday! Keep up the good work.

HART (1-800-HART) said...

Hey Uri! Congrats on 1st blogiversary! Now that you are 'experienced' .. maybe you can push up your posts to average once every .. 8-1/2 days? :D That means an extra 3 posts per year!


Ghosty said...

Happy blog birthday, Uri. :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations my friend ans happy anniversary, and I wish you so many more.

DJ said...

happy birthday... :)

Anonymous said...

happy 1st (blog) bday!
so, we're up against each other in the blog cup. It's just a friendy match!

I hope we can be friends.
hope too hear fr U soon.


Pinoy Wit said...

congratulations uri. :)

Kaye Waller said...

Happy Blogiversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to your blog! I too got into this blog thing and have caught the bug! There are times i'm up till 2:30 in the morning messing around with my blog and reading the posts on blogcatalog.

Keep up the good work Uri!

Bob Johnson said...

Congratulations on your 1st. anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Uri,

I know this is late, but I thought I should say it anyway. Congrats, and I hope I can build a blog as great as yours.

People in the Sun said...

Happy birthday. (I've been doing it for about a year and a half. I do like it).

Anonymous said...

Many Happy Returns!! A really high quality blog

Drsnokřídlovec Březový said...

Happy (belated) birthday, and many, many more !
I went offline for a while, and your blog grew into an even greater place !
Keep up the good blogging.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on a great blog and a year at it! :)

Meghna said...

Congrats Uri. Keep the wonderful work going!

skitzo_c said...

Happy birthday!
I'll be back. This looks like a place I could get comfortable in.

bunpeiris said...

Happy birthday to the brilliant weblog!
Congratulations to Uri!
bunpeiris, Sri Lanka
Riolta Lanka Holidays

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday. I stumbled upon your blog a few days ago (like many others) and found it engaging. Your style of writing is great. I shall add you in my bloglist.
Keep writing.

Clyde said...

Cheers! I like your blog :)

Anonymous said...

Hi, Uri! My congratilations:) I see YOu blog and it seems to me very amsing. See You 12.5. Good luck. Sincerelly Yours, Niko Meltser:-)

Oberon said...

.....thanks for the photo of the andromeda galaxy.

Sherer said...

Happy Birthday!!!! cool blog man.. I really like it

Anonymous said...

Cheers my friend !

Congratulations from the Zafrir family .

(by the way - we are one less : Peach the cat was executed by a dog recently ...)

Sandra said...

Congratulations to you! Wow I hope to have as many visits by my first birhtday.